Tuesday, March 13, 2007

thus far

i LOVE the pictures ya'll have posted. i am going to the business mtng at my daughter's school tonight and i am going to sit in the back and knit my brains out.

so, here is my disclaimer: i have never made a pair of socks before, much less done entrelac. i learned to knit about 9 months ago and i am totally addicted. also, i do not have the correct yarn. i wanted something bigger so i could "see" what i was doing. does that make sense? so when these are done i am either going to make them into mucklucks or send them to my giant cousin. he knits too and i bet he would love them. then, when i'm done mucking about on these, i will try some for reals. and bex - i am with you on the mistakes. i am only taking out the most egregious ones. this is so great. thanks for organizing it!


Bex said...

oh wow jes...that is so beautiful!!! first time socks and entrelac all at once! you are such a rockstar. your stitches look so beautiful and your edges are so tight and nice. i'm trying to get mine to look more like that.
i hope you have fun knitting your heart out tonight!!

Jessica Blundell said...

thanks - the business mtngs are always good for crafting:)